Trenton Anvil Serial Numbers
You will kick yourself if you get rid of it Check the anvil for markings (stamps) which can be deciphered.. Don't sell it till you know what it is!!!Without a clear logo stamp on the side I can't be certain but my instincts tell me it's a Trenton.. This means no big chunks broken off and no welds or other repairs Surprisingly enough, They still make new anvils and they cost a pretty penny. Download Free Tom Standage The Victorian Internet Pdf Reader
trenton anvil serial numbers
You will kick yourself if you get rid of it Check the anvil for markings (stamps) which can be deciphered.. Don't sell it till you know what it is!!!Without a clear logo stamp on the side I can't be certain but my instincts tell me it's a Trenton.. This means no big chunks broken off and no welds or other repairs Surprisingly enough, They still make new anvils and they cost a pretty penny. 518b7cbc7d Download Free Tom Standage The Victorian Internet Pdf Reader
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The bases were purchased, while the tops were forged in-house Has a Trenton that owns a copy of Anvils in America.. If you can get a picture & description of your anvil email me & I'll give you the name of a real expert who can tell you all about it.. I would gladly come to pick it up if close to NJ JJ - IF your anvil is an old forged anvil from around the turn of the century or earlier it will bring a LOT more than a buck a pound.. Brand new quality anvils sell for $6 to $8 per pound Generally, good old wrought iron (not cast iron) anvils bring anywhere from $1 to $3 per pound if they are in decent shape.. Look them up at mcmaster-carr com and you will see what I mean The quality of an anvil is determined by its 'bounciness', a springier anvil makes the smith's work easier by rebounding his blows. I Alert download free for windows 8.1 32bit current version